Thursday, March 29, 2007

Dorlon Cemetery

Nathan Mulford Dorlon donated land for the present day Dorlon Cemetery in Heron Bay, Alabama.

Rosalie Ballard Lyons

Rosalie Ballard Lyons, wife of Amos Paul Lyons.

Mother of Martha (Patsy) Lyons.

Rosalie is the daughter of Phelan T. Ballard and Misercordia Havens. (Some internet files have Phelan T. Ballard listed as Chief Fielding Ballard, however I cannot find any records to prove that is correct.)

Misevicordia Havens born in Jackson County Mississippi married Phelan T. Ballard and had Rosalia Ballard 7 Mar.
1795 in the Tombigbee area around Fish River. They moved to Pascagoula in the late 1700's. There is a copy of
Rosalia's baptismal record of 26 November 1795 from Records of Old Mobile Parish of the Immaculate Conception.The baptismal record for Rosalie states her parents were Americans. Godparents for Rosalia were Pierre Lavalle and Louise


SAMUEL LYONS married (1ST) ELIZABETH unk; (2nd) unk

ELIZABETH LYONS married (1st) David Mills; (2nd) Young Thomas

MISERICORDIA (MERCY) LYONS married (1st) Richard Moody; (2nd) John L. Smith

MARY (POLLY) LYONS married (1st) Ed Stone; (2nd) John (Jack) Collier





Theresa Catherine Dennis

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Matilda E. (Mattie) Dorlon b. 1877; married Richard Clarke

R i c h a r d D i c k C l a r k e m a r r i e d M a t i l d a M a t t i e D o r l o n a n d h a d t h e
f o l l o w i n g c h i l d r e n :

1. . M a r g a r e t M a g g i e 1 8 8 7 N e i l O l a f N e i l s o n
2 . P e a r l A g n e s 1 8 8 8 G e o r g e E d w a r d W i l l i a m s & L e v i E l l i s
D e a n
3 . S o p h i a V i r g i n i a 1 8 8 9 J a m e s A u g u s t u s F o s t e r
4 . J o s e p h M . J o e 1 8 9 3 E u n i c e B o s a r g e
5 . L u c y V i o l a O l l a 1 9 0 0 P h e l a n O s b u r n Z i r l o t t
6 . O l i v e r E d w a r d O l l i e 1 9 0 2 B e s s i e ? ? ? ? ? ?
7 . E d w a r d C h a r l e s M a n n y 1 9 0 6 E d i t h L i l l e y

N o t e * R i c h a r d C l a r k e i s t h e s o n o f R u f u s C l a r k e .

Oliver Joseph (Ollie) Dorlon b. 1876; married Lula Belle Crane

Lula Belle Crane Dorlon

Oliver Dorlon and Lula Crane had the following children:
Mary Elizabeth Dorlon
Margaret Cecilia Dorlon
Nancy Ann Dorlon

Gertrude Arabella Dorlon b. 1872; married Joseph Francis "Choper" Schambeau

Belle Dorlon Schambeau


Nancy Dorlon b. 1866; married Edward Warren (Budd) Rabby

Nellie Dorlon b. 1864; married Charles Criminale

Rueben Lewis Dorlon b. 1861; married Elizabeth Campbell

1st Generation

1. Rueben Lewis (Rube) Dorlon was born 1861 in Heron Bay (Coden), Alabama and died 1944 in Grand Bay, Alabama. He married 1st Mary Elizabeth Campbell 1883 in Mobile County, Alabama. She was born 1852, daughter of John Archibald Campbell and (unknown). He married 1st Carrie Lyons 1910 in Mobile County, Alabama. He married 2nd Carrie Lyons 1910 in Mobile County, Alabama.
Other events in the life of Rueben Lewis (Rube) Dorlon
Nickname : Pretty Papa
Burial : Magnolia Cemetery, Mobile, Alabama

Other events in the life of Mary Elizabeth Campbell
Nickname : Katie

Children of Rueben Lewis (Rube) Dorlon and Mary Elizabeth Campbell:
i. 2. Martha Susan (Realmama) Dorlon was born 1887 in Cedar Point, Alabama and died 1971 in Ballwin, Missouri.
ii. 3. James (Jim) Dorlon.
iii. Mulford (Mul) Dorlon.
iv. Ruth Dorlon.
v. 4. Frances Arabelle (Fannybelle) Dorlon was born 1892.
vi. 5. Mary Florence Gertrude (Flo) Dorlon was born 1902.
vii. Bessie Mae Dorlon.

2nd Generation (Children)

2. Susan Martha (Realmama) Dorlon was born 1887 in Cedar Point, Alabama and died 1971 in Ballwin, Missouri. He married Wlliam Joseph Reed 1904 in Mobile County, Alabama. He was born December 3, 1875 in Mobile, AL and died 1929, son of (unknown) and (unknown).
Other events in the life of Susan Martha (Realmama) Dorlon
Nickname : Susie/Realmama

Children of Susan Martha (Realmama) Dorlon and Wlliam Joseph Reed:
i. 6. Vivian Clarence (Jack) Reed.
ii. 7. Mary Elizabeth (Bootsie) Reed was born 1907 in Mobile, Alabama and died 1975 in Mobile, Alabama.
iii. 8. Mary Frances (Frankie) Reed.
iv. James Reuben (Jim) Reed.
v. Dolores Adele (Lolly) Reed.
vi. Isabel Jane Rose Myrtle (Betty) Reed.
vii. John Mims (Jack) Reed.
viii. Florence Grace (Mary) Reed.
ix. Rose Marie (Mary) Reed.
x. Joseph esley (Sonny) Reed.

Notes on Susan Martha (Realmama) Dorlon
Christening : April 1, 1951 in By St. Margaret's Catholic Church at home in Grand Bay, Al
Raised in Bayou La Batre
Burial : St. Michael's Cemetery, Coden, Al

3. James (Jim) Dorlon. He married Ruby .

4. Frances Arabelle (Fannybelle) Dorlon was born 1892. She married Daniel James Lyons .

5. Mary Florence Gertrude (Flo) Dorlon was born 1902. She married Harry Albert (Scotty) Skinner .

3rd Generation (Grandchildren)

6. Vivian Clarence (Jack) Reed. She married 1st Elvina (Vi) Blatz . She married 2nd Ann Bond .

Children of Vivian Clarence (Jack) Reed and Elvina (Vi) Blatz:
i. Cheryl Anne Reed was born 1953.
ii. Terry Reed was born 1953.

Children of Vivian Clarence (Jack) Reed and Ann Bond:
iii. Shery Reed.
iv. Vicky Reed.

7. Mary Elizabeth (Bootsie) Reed was born 1907 in Mobile, Alabama and died 1975 in Mobile, Alabama. She married 1st Morgan Aubrey (Red) Parker . He was born 1907 in Jackson, AL, son of (unknown) and (unknown). She married 2nd John Wesley (Wes) Hall . She married 3rd Lloyd Thompson (Doc) McDonald .

Children of Mary Elizabeth (Bootsie) Reed and Morgan Aubrey (Red) Parker:
i. Jacqueline Ruth Parker.

Children of Mary Elizabeth (Bootsie) Reed and John Wesley (Wes) Hall:
ii. Patricia Viane (Mickey) Hall.

Children of Mary Elizabeth (Bootsie) Reed and Lloyd Thompson (Doc) McDonald:
iii. Stephen Lee McDonald.
iv. Judith Gail McDonald.
v. Ramona Kathleen McDonald.

8. Mary Frances (Frankie) Reed. She married Burt McCary .

Lucy Dorlon b. 1858; married John Wroten

George Mulford Dorlon b. 1856; married Ellen Cornelia Lyons

Phelan Ballard Dorlon b. 1854; married Sarah Jane Case

Adeline M. Dorlon b. 1851; married Augustus Isaiah Jones

Adeline Dorlon b. 7 Oct 1851 AL d Dec 1929 Mobile
married 22 Dec 1875 Mobile
Augustus I Jones b. 1851, AL d. bet 1910 - 1920
His parents:
James L. Jones b. 1809 VA d bet 1860 - 1870 and Mary Ann Smith b. 1817 LA d aft 1880(married 28 May 1845 Union Parish LA)

1) Augustus Isaiah Jones b 7 Oct 1876 d 5 Aug 1943 m Sarah Louise 'Sadie' Delchamps
2) Irene M Jones b Jul 1879 d aft 1920 m William Henry Delchamps
3) George Jones b 1881 d aft 1910
4) Nellie E Jones b Jan 1884
5) James Langley Jones b 16 Feb 1886 d aft 1920
6) Grace Jones b 1889 d aft 1920
7) Mary E Jones b 1891 d aft 1920
8) Benjamin C Jones b 1897 d aft 1900
9) Beulah Jones b 8 Mar 1897 d 1 Jul 1989 m John Levi Sprinkle

(Since Beulah is not listed on the 1900 census & Benjamin is not listed on the 1910 census, they may be the same person and the 1900 census is in error.

MARGARET DORLON b. 1849; married Amos H. McCurry


Choctaw Ballards Author: John Reed Date: 12 Nov 2001 2:37 PM GMT Surnames: Ballard, Havens, Lyons, Dorlon Message:
I really don't have much information about Rosalee or Rosalia Ballard's family. I know her father was Phelan T. Ballard. Her mother was Misrecordia Haven. Roselia was born March 7, 1795 in Heron Bay Ala on the Fish River. I have a photo of her Baptismal record from the Mobile Catholic Cathedral. I also have a tin type photo of her. She is wearing what has been identified as Choctaw style ear rings and dress. The ear rings are still in the family. A cousin in Mobile has them and I have photos of them. Roselia married Amos Paul Lyons. One book refers to him as an indian scout. They had a daughter Martha Patsy Lyons. She married Nathan Mulford Dorlon. His obituary says he was the first white man to came to Heron Bay, Al. This is where Patys Lyons and Roselia and her family lived. I also have a tin type of Patsy Lyons at age 97?. My older aunts and my father talked about being told by their grandfather that Roselia was Choctaw. My grandmother also p[assed this information on to us. There has never been any doubt of her being Choctaw in our family. The problem is offical records. My grandmother and her generation have no government birth records. They were born at home near Alabama Port and had no contact with the government. Family history talks about hiding from the 1830s removals and avoiding the government, thus the lack of official records. My grandmother was involved in one of the CHoctaw law suits in the 1950s. Unfortunately the records have disappeared, in hiding, covered up at this time. We are still trying to track them down at the Natioanl Archives to see what she filed on her geneology. The search goes on. John

Martha Patsy Lyons who married Nathan Mulford Dorlon as half Choctaw. The family filed a claim with Attorney Weir based on her lineage from parents Amos Paul Lyons and Rosalia Ballard a Choctaw and grandparents Phelan T. Ballard and Misevicordia Haven being Choctaw indians.



N a t h a n M u l f o r d D o r l o n , v i s i t e d H e r o n B a y , A l a . , a n d m e t h i s f u t u r e w i f e . A f t e r t h e y m a r r i e d , h e b u i l t a s t o r e o n C e d a r
P o i n t , a n d r a i s e d a f a m i l y .


By Carol Case

I know that the bones of my ancestors are buried
Beside one another in Bayou La Batre and Heron Bay,
That boats beating their names bob in brackish water
Beneath the southern skies where egret and seagull hover
Over white caps, cattails, driftwood and oyster beds,
Searching the horizon for piling on which to land.

Several times I’ve packed and tried to leave this land,
But even from a distance I could feel it buried
In my voice like oysters nestled in salty beds
It rippled out from me like waves on the bay.
Each time I drifted away, the place seemed to hover
Within, forcing me to seek out local bodies of water.

My earliest memories are of family and bay water,
Leaping off wharves jutting out from the land,
Or watching through windows as rain clouds hover.
I expect one day to be brought home and buried
Between blood kin, within walking distance of the boy
Where my fore bearer’s headstones are lined like beds.

Every season the shrimpers head out past the beds
That lie beneath the surface of brackish water.
They spread nets like veils and wings upon the bay,
And get their bearing looking homeward toward the land.
Solitary fishermen still stand astern of their boats and hover.
Dipping hook, line, and sinker in search of what lies buried

Beneath, not so very far from where their breed are buried
And I wonder if, at night, they too dream in their beds
Of mothers who always watched the sea, the women who hover
Over children playing near the edges of water,
Mothers, wives whose daily prayers whispered fathers to land
With candles lit to keep the howling hurricane wind at bay.

It’s not the land that holds us but the salt air and the bay.
It takes a lifetime to learn where reefs are buried,
To watch the sunsets as lights appear twinkling from land,
Sleeping out on screened porches, breezes blowing across the beds,
Knowing wherever we go, we’ll be lulled to our home on the water
To ask a blessing on the boats when heavy rain clouds hover.

Now I’m back home in this place, my feet buried in the sand bed
At the edge of Mobile Bay, and I feel the familiar breezes hover
Like an ancestral spirit sending messages across shallow waters.
My name is Theresa Dennis and Nathan Dorlon was my great-great grandfather. I live in Mobile, Alabama. If you were raised in south Mobile County (Bayou La Batre, Coden, Grand Bay, Dauphin Island, etc.,) more than likely were long lost cousins!

This site includes information I have gathered on the Dorlon Family thus far. Since beginning my research many years ago, I have come to realize how enormous our family is. Since their immigration to America in the 1600, the branches have become too numerous to keep up with. So I have decided to focus my research in finding all the descendants of Nathan Mulford Dorlon who was one of the early settlers of South Mobile County.

I will, of course, share the very interesting facts of our ancestry as far back as I had the steam to search. There is a lot of great information out there. The order in which it is presented may be a little hap-hazard but I just plan to publish it as I find it.

Below is a starting point, listing the children of Nathan Mulford Dorlon and his wife Martha (Patsy) Lyons. Any informmation I may publish which you find to be incorrect, please bring it to my attention, and we'll figure it out together by sharing our information.

So sit back, read, cut, paste, use, share, write, email, call and enjoy your family heritage with me and the rest of your long lost cousins!

Nathan Mulford Dorlon married Martha (Patsy) Lyons
They had the following children:

Margaret Dorlon b. 1849; married Amos H. McCurry
Adeline M. Dorlon b. 1851; married James Augustus Jones
Phelan Ballard Dorlon b. 1854; married Sarah Jane Case
George Mulford Dorlon b. 1856; married Ellen Cornelia Lyons
Lucy Dorlon b. 1858; married John Wroten
Rueben Lewis Dorlon b. 1861; married Elizabeth Campbell
Nellie Dorlon b. 1864; married Charles Cremenal
Nancy Dorlon b. 1866; married Edward Warren (Budd) Rabby
Gertrude Arabella Dorlon b. 1872; married Joseph Francis "Choper" Schambeau
Oliver Joseph (Ollie) Dorlon b. 1876; married Lula Belle Crane
Matilda E. (Mattie)Dorlon b. 1877; married Richard Clark